Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Beginning of Life

After years of rummaging through the wonderful world of blogspehere and in the process experienced a kaleidoscope of feelings from being awestruck to dumbstruck and at times touched or repelled with what was written, I, a self styled blog-squatter (Definition: a person who leaves tonnes of comments behind but never brave enough to start his/her own blog) will attempt to have my own blog.

I have no doubt that most of it would be mindless ramblings about mundane stuff that even bore me to death. Sometimes it would be so emotionally disturbing that the BAU would in no time come up with a Unsub profile with it. Hopefully (though I cant really foresee how my life's story would) what I write can be touching and actually make a difference in someone's life...or not!

So, who am I? I'm a thirty something banker with what is currently one of the largest banks in the world BUT I am not exactly jumping with joy being in this industry during these "unprecedented" (this description has been tossed around that to some extent it has lost some of its intended scare effect) times. Originally from Malaysia (yes...the Truly Asia nation) , we (my little family that is my lovely wife, an irreplaceable 6 year old boy and yours truly) have been the residents of Hong Kong SAR (special administrative region that is) for the past one year.

My passions in life are my family and photography (along with Manchester United, mountain bikes and watches). Therefore I anticipate (at this point in time of course) that those will be the underlying themes for most of the things I write.

So, let the experiment begins....


Cosmic_GurL said...

Welcome back to the blogsphere my friend :)

mv binti said...

selamat pulang ke gagang ;-)

Crash Test Mom said...

how did i miss this?

welcome back!